New Starters
Welcome to Marlcliffe Primary!
We are delighted that you are sending your child to Marlcliffe; we strive to make all parents and children feel welcome at our school. As parents you are your child’s first teacher and we hope that the learning process can be a partnership.
Introduction to the school
Marlcliffe is a large primary school with an admission number of 75 children per year group. The school is currently organised into 17 classes and four phases: Foundation stage, (Reception) KS1 (Years 1+2), Middle Phase (Years 3+4) and Upper Phase (Years 5+6).
In the school office we have Mrs Hanson (School Manager), Mrs Harvey, and Miss Codd and who will be able to advise you on any queries about the admissions application process or uniform.
• The school day begins at 8:50 and ends at 3:15. The gates open at 8:40 and the children go to their classrooms
More information about the school can be found in our Information Guide for Families