Years 3 and 4 2024 - 2025
Welcome to the pages for children in Y3 and Y4.
On this page, we will post useful information and documents for download (see the 'Files' links below).
This half term, we are looking at the Stone Age as our main history topic. We will research the differences between the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods and also how the Stone Age overlapped with the Ice Age. We will focus on how archaelogical evidence gives us an understanding of this period, given that it pre-dates written history. In art, we will also refine our skills working with clay to eventually produce prehistoric creatures.
Our science focus will be around rocks and soils, including how they are formed and their properties. We will look at different types of soils and their ability to absorb water. We are also looking at fossils and how they are formed.
In French, we will look at different greetings and how to ask basic questions, as well as learning how to count. In computing, we will be desktop publishing, learning how to combine text and images. Our RE focus this half term is what it is like for someone to follow God, where we will look at stories from the Old Testament of the Bible. In our personal development lessons, we will take a closer look at the emotion of grief. In PE lessons, we will cover both the fundamentals to be built on throughout the year and athletics.
Here are the links for each class blog, where you can see pictures of our fantastic learning:
Files to Download
Years 3 and 4: Calendar items
Middle Phase Information Evening, by Mrs Hanson
Y4 trip to Manor Lodge, by Mrs Hanson
Y3/4LT Trip to Manor Lodge, by Mrs Hanson