Six units delivered per year (twelve per two-year cycle), connected to the topic wherever possible.
The units are usually delivered every two weeks (approximately one hour), interchangeable with another subject. In addition, music for Christmas and/or summer performances are blocked and replace the prescribed unit for that half term.
The units are taken from the Charanga scheme and other sources.
Units cover all the requirements of the National Curriculum over the two-year cycle.
Music is given a high priority at Marlcliffe. We have a choir who put on concerts during the year. We have singing assemblies every week and work closely with external partners like the Sheffield Music Hub and the University of Sheffield on music and singing projects. We also take part in projects like Young Voices where children can perform in a large venue with other schools.
All children at Marlcliffe have the opportunity to play a clarinet when they are in Year 4, this is paid for by the schoool. Children who have enjoyed this can pay a small amount to continue in Y5. Children who are eligible for free school meals do not have to pay.
We also offer a lunchtime recorder club for children in Years 1 and 2.
We offer private music lessons at our school. Children can play keyboards or guitar. Click here for more information and contact details for Philippe Clegg.
Woodwind, piano and recorder lessons are also available from Linda Doherty. Please ask at the school office for more information or contact Linda directly 0n 07914789797